Used in Asian Cuisine(25 Seeds) 33 out of 5 stars 10 $399 $ 3 99 FREE Shipping NoTill Cover Because Oxalis corniculata has antiinflammatory and antibacterial properties modern herbalists use parts of this plant to treat flu, fever, urinary tract infections The leaves and flowers of creeping wood sorrel are used by modern foragers in salads and as a potherb to add a tangy, sour flavor The leaves, though small, are available for much of the year, and are a sourceThe plants marketed for this holiday are actually species of Oxalis, also known as wood sorrels, that have clovershaped leaves Most oxalis have leaves with 3 or 4 leaflets, but some have up to 9 divisions The leaves come in shades of green, red, or purple, and some are patterned The leaflets of many of these species are nyctinstic, meaning the leaflets fold up at night or on overcast days Oxalis Montana American Wood Sorrel Common Wood Sorrel Mountain Woodsorrel Northern Woodsorrel Sourgrass Sours White Woodsorrel White Wood Sor...